Missouri Quarter Horse Youth Association - June 2021 News

Hey everyone! I can’t believe I am writing a newsletter for June already! Lucky for us, that means it is closer to some more fun events in the horse world! I hope that you have gotten to get your horses out and go to some shows. We have some very important information regarding the Youth Excellence Seminar (YES) and the AQHYA Youth World Championship Show so make sure to read on.


Youth Excellence Seminar:

 Join us as we make our mark at the 2021 Bank of America Youth Excellence Seminar (YES) July 12-14 in Amarillo, Texas! YES registration is still up and ready for you to register. AQHYA has provided us with a discount code (waiving the $25 late fee) for anyone who would still like to register! That code is SAVE25.

If you are planning to attend YES, this is the last call, as we are going to finalize our team travel plans very soon. If you are at all interested in attending, let Youth Advisor, Cara Harmon know asap! It is such a life-changing experience, so I encourage all to go if your summer allows for it.

Missouri has two members running for leadership positions: Abby Eddy and Hazel Myles, both for Region 3 Director positions. The voting delegates for MQHYA are Abby Eddy, Brooke Inchiostro, Kelly Coonce, and Hazel Myles. For more information on YES and to register click HERE.

Here is who is registered so far:


Kelly Coonce

Abby Eddy

Justin Eddy

Addison Hinton

Brooke Inchiostro

Hannah Inchiostro

Hazel Myles

Cooper Skouby

Hunter Skouby


Kelly Eddy

Caroline Inchiostro

Jennifer Myles

Leslie Skouby 

AQHYA Youth World Championship Show:

Cara sent the official entry email to everyone we have a 2021 Letter of Intent for. This is the only way you will receive the entry link. If you did not receive the email and plan to show at the Youth World this summer, please contact Cara asap. The entry deadline is July 1.

We are starting to plan stall decorations, etc. Stay tuned for an update about a Zoom within the next couple of weeks!

Don’t forget about the other opportunities to get involved at Youth World. AQHYA hosts speech competitions, art contests, boot and jean decorating contests, and more! See all contest opportunities and information here. Contact Cara asap if you are interested in competing in a contest at the Youth World, as they are due July 1, and she will be submitting all Team Missouri entries together. MQHYA sponsors the cost of all contest entries for members. These contests are so much fun and a great way to make the most of your Youth World experience!

It is important that we are looking for sponsorships for YES and our Youth World and Congress NYATT teams. The money that is raised is used to pay for team expenses. This in turn helps you! Money that we raise helps pay for things at the Youth World, YES, prizes for our NYATT team, and much more! We already have two amazing sponsors.

Manna Pro ($250)

Hot Headstalls ($200)

Download the Sponsorship form today! (It is also attached.)

It is a fantastic year for MQHYA! It is never too late to get involved. Through various fundraisers and events, we can always use volunteers! Always feel free to contact Cara or myself if you have any questions, ideas, or concerns!  


Abby Eddy
President, Missouri Quarter Horse Youth Association


Cara Harmon
Youth Adviser, Missouri Quarter Horse Youth Association

Please be sure to “like” MQHYAs’ Facebook page (Missouri Quarter Horse Youth Association) to stay up to date between newsletters. We share a lot of important information and reminders on this page.