Missouri Quarter Horse Youth Association - April 2019 News

Hello! So far, we’ve had a great start to the season. We had an awesome group of members at the Maple Leaf show and sold over $900 of our MQHA & MQHYA apparel! Thanks to everyone who helped!


Our next fundraiser will be at the Gateway Classic show on May 23-26 in Lake Saint Louis. We plan on having a silent auction again this year. We ask that each youth member bring something to contribute. This can be a horse item, home décor, jar of homemade cookies, dog treats/toys – be creative! This is one of our largest fundraisers of the year. We need YOUR help to make this a great fundraiser! We will also have our MQHA and MQHYA apparel available for sale at this show. We have a variety, especially in Large, XL, & XXL. You may have noticed on the show bill, we will be sponsoring the pizza exhibitor party on Saturday evening. We will need youth members to help serve the salad and pizza. This always earns us some nice tips to go towards fundraising, so make plans to attend. This is also a fun activity to participate in together!


We are super excited to be able to Rise to the Challenge with AQHYA members from around the world at the 2019 Bank of America Youth Excellence Seminar (YES), July 9-11, in Amarillo, Texas. YES offers a variety of activities for both youth and adult leaders. See what current AQHYA President, Olivia Tordoff, said about the event below:


YES is one of the most exciting events AQHYA offers. I have had the unbelievable opportunity to create lifelong friendships and learn essential leadership and life skills. I cherish all the memories I have from the Youth Excellence Seminar and am excited to see everyone in Amarillo this summer.”

- Olivia Tordoff


Be sure to check out the tentative schedule to see what’s in store for this three-day, action-packed event. The YES priority registration deadline is June 1, 2019. You can find all the details, here!


Below is a list of those who have let Cara know they are interested in attending YES this year. If you are planning to go and your name is not listed below, please contact Cara asap!

Youth: Kelly Coonce, Kat Dixon (delegate), Abby Eddy, Justin Eddy (delegate), Brooke Inchiostro, Hannah Inchiostro (delegate), Hunter Skouby, Paige Wellendorf & Elleigh Wood

Adults: Annette Dixon, Pam/Tom Downing, Kelly Eddy & Leslie Skouby


We have the following qualifying show left for our 2019 Youth World and Congress NYATT team qualifying:

April 27-28: Heart of America Buckskin Show | Lucky J Arena, Carthage


If you submitted a Letter of Intent for the Youth World Show, please review the attached Letter of Intent list and let Cara know if you have nationally qualified (NQ) or need to make any changes to the events you have said you are interested in! We need to know as it may open up a spot for someone else. If you are planning on attending Youth World Show and have not submitted your Letter of Intent, you need to contact Cara immediately. If you are planning on joining Team Missouri from another state, you must submit a hardship application. Hardship applications are due to AQHA by May 1.


Don’t forget about the other opportunities to get involved at Youth World. AQHYA hosts horse judging, speech competitions, art contests, and more! Entries are due to AQHA by June 15. Contact Cara if you are interested, as she will send all Team Missouri entries in together. MQHYA sponsors the cost of all contest entries from members!


New this year, we are looking for sponsors for Team Missouri! If you know of any businesses or people that would like to help MQHYA members better serve our members, let us know! I have attached a sponsorship form. This form is also on the Youth page of the MQHA website. I would love to increase participation and improve the experience of Team Missouri! I’d really like to improve our hospitality stall, stall decorations, and other parts of our team experience. We need your help committing sponsors!


Our Reporter, Hannah Inchiostro is working on monthly member spotlights. If you have not done so already, we ask that you fill out this short questionnaire. Also, please send any pictures/videos of you and your horse to Hannah at hinchiostro@gmail.com. She works very hard on our MQHYA scrapbook!


Finally, I’d like to congratulate our youth advisor, Cara Harmon, on the birth of her baby girl! Brinley Michelle Harmon was born on March 19, 2019. Congratulations Cara & Derek! We can’t wait to meet our youngest member of MQHYA!




Kat Dixon

President, Missouri Quarter Horse Youth Association



Cara Harmon

Youth Advisor, Missouri Quarter Horse Youth Association